In order to represent points in space, we first choose a fixed point ओ or ‘O’ (like the origin, ॐ OM). Interesting that this sound ओ (O) is in Sagittarius the natural 9th house indicating the view of the world, like a space view. Time view comes from the tenth (10) house which is औ (au) in Capricorn. The manifestation of space from oṁkāra is through Sagittarius, the dharma bhava of the natural zodiac and is called Bhairava whereas the manifestation of time from oṁkāra is though Capricorn, the karma bhava.
Then we have three straight lines passing through ‘O’ (ओ) like the ☰ tripuṇḍra. These lines are perpendicular (90°)to each other. This is not based on the limit of the normal vision that can see straight and 90° to the right or left. Beyond this 180° we are blind like unable to see behind. However there is a connection to vision.
These lines are called अक्ष akṣa meaning coordinate axes.
They are labeled as –
- यक्ष (य-अक्ष) yakṣa m. x-axis
- रक्ष (र-अक्ष) rakṣa m. y-axis
- लक्ष (ल-अक्ष) lakṣa m. z-axis
Usually we think of यक्ष (x-axis) and रक्ष (y-axis) as being horizontal and लक्ष (z-axis) as being vertical. Accordingly see adjoining figure.
3D Space: Liṅga Mudrā

Liṅga mudra is formed by the right hand and is placed on the center of the chest for various mantras. See the adjoining image which shows the liṅga mudra formed by one hand. There is another liṅga mudra formed by two hands and it has a different meaning altogether. This liṅga mudra shows the rotation of the earth about an axis. A rotation that causes the aho-rātra (day/night) formation which is the foundation of the horā śāstra, one of the principal parts of vedāṅga jyotiṣa.
The index finger is treated as different from the other fingers or thumb for the space coordinate system.
• The middle fingers is aligned to यक्ष yakṣa (positive x-axis).
• The index finger is partially opened out to be perpendicular (90°) to these and in the horizontal plane. This is the रक्ष rakṣa (positive y-axis)
• The upward extended thumb points to लक्ष lakṣa (positive z-axis)